Indoor Climate Systems

The Hoval indoor climate system creates a comfortable climate in large interior areas while ­minimising energy consumption. Unlike centralised systems, it has a modular structure in which one system contains multiple and possibly different indoor climate units. This guarantees adaptability and flexibility in all phases: planning, installation, operation and maintenance.

Decentralised solution


The Hoval indoor climate system creates a comfortable climate in large interior areas while ­minimising energy consumption.



RoofVent are roof ventilation units for supplying fresh air and removing extract air and complies with Ecodesign Directive



TopVent are recirculation or supply air units for heating and cooling with recirculated air, mixed air or fresh air.

TopVent gas


TopVent gas are gas-fired recirculation air or supply air units for heating with recirculated air, mixed air or fresh air. They are equipped with a modular gas burner.

TopVent TV


The decentralised
TopVent TV heating system is a compact and cost-effective recirculation heater in a modern, simple design

TopVent TW


The TopVent TW pushes a barrier of flowing air across the door opening.



Decentralised compact unit for the infeed of fresh air, disposal of extract air and heat recovery from process air